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Prenatal diagnosis and screening for Down syndrome
ISBN: 9535164465 9533073551 Year: 2011 Publisher: IntechOpen

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This book provides a concise yet comprehensive source of current information on Down syndrome. Research workers, scientists, medical graduates and paediatricians will find it an excellent source for reference and review. This book focuses on exciting areas of research on prenatal diagnosis - Down syndrome screening after assisted reproduction techniques, noninvasive techniques, genetic counselling and ethical issues. Whilst aimed primarily at research worker on Down syndrome, we hope that the appeal of this book will extend beyond the narrow confines of academic interest and be of interest to a wider audience, especially parents and relatives of Down syndrome patients.

The ethics of consent and choice in prenatal screening
ISBN: 1283142228 1443827681 9786613142221 9781443827683 9781283142229 9781443826488 1443826480 Year: 2011 Publisher: Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Pub.,

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Increasingly, notions of individual autonomy, personal ""choice"" and preference have become woven into our reproductive expectations. With respect to prenatal screening, the choices sought, offered or denied are shaped and interpreted through a range of so

Le droit aux soins en médecine prénatale : actualités scientifiques, éthiques et juridiques
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2247115195 Year: 2011 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] Dalloz

Echo : prenataal onderzoek en keuzevrijheid
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789045704586 Year: 2011 Publisher: Amsterdam Antwerpen Augustus

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Dat de mogelijkheden voor prenataal onderzoek zich steeds verder uitbreiden blijft niet zonder gevolgen: sinds iedere zwangere in Nederland een twintigwekenecho krijgt aangeboden, is het aantal zwangerschapsafbrekingen na constatering van bijvoorbeeld een open ruggetje bijna verdubbeld. Vijf jaar geleden werden Maarten Slagboom en zijn vrouw voor de keuze gesteld of zij de zwangerschap wilden voortzetten toen bleek dat hun kind meervoudig gehandicapt geboren zou worden. De zwangerschap werd afgebroken, maar de vragen bleven. Naast de vraag ‘heb ik er goed aan gedaan?’ rezen de vragen wie en wat nu eigenlijk invloed uitoefenen op het hebben van die keuze, en wat de gevolgen ervan zijn. Maarten Slagboom interviewt in dit boek artsen, politici, wetenschappers en andere betrokkenen, en hij beschrijft zijn persoonlijke ervaringen. Hij legt bloot hoe het samenspel van voortschrijdende technologie, politieke compromissen en overtuigingen van medisch specialisten en ethici steeds meer ouders voor genadeloos ingewikkelde dilemma’s plaatst. Echo is daarnaast de weerslag van een zoektocht naar antwoorden op vragen die pas echt gesteld worden als ze onontkoombaar zijn.

Ethical Dilemmas in Prenatal Diagnosis
Authors: ---
ISBN: 940079410X 9400713959 9400713967 Year: 2011 Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands : Imprint: Springer,

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Technological developments in the life sciences confront us with new facets of a Faustian seduction. Are we „playing God“ more and more, as claimed by critical authors of modernity? Achievements in genetic research produce ethical dilemmas which need to be the subject of reflection and debate in modern societies. Denial of ambivalences that ethical dilemmas arouse constitutes a threat to societies as well as to individuals. The book presents a compilation of some of the results of the interdisciplinary European study “Ethical Dilemmas Due to Prenatal and Genetic Diagnostics” (EDIG), which investigated some of these dilemmas in detail in a field which is particularly challenging: prenatal diagnosis. When results from prenatal diagnosis show fetal abnormalities, women and their partners are confronted with ethical dilemmas regarding: the right to know and the right not to know; decision-making about the remainder of the pregnancy and the desire for a healthy child; responsibility for the unborn child, for its well-being and possible suffering; life and death. This book provides answers from an ethical, psychoanalytical and medical viewpoint.


Genetic counseling. --- Genetic screening -- Case studies. --- Genetic screening. --- Medical ethics. --- Prenatal diagnosis -- Case studies. --- Prenatal diagnosis --- Behavioral Sciences --- Publication Formats --- Diagnostic Techniques, Obstetrical and Gynecological --- Morals --- Human Rights --- Social Control, Formal --- Psychology, Social --- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures --- Behavioral Disciplines and Activities --- Publication Characteristics --- Diagnosis --- Psychiatry and Psychology --- Health Care Economics and Organizations --- Sociology --- Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms --- Health Care --- Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment --- Social Sciences --- Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena --- Ethics --- Prenatal Diagnosis --- Patient Rights --- Congresses --- Psychology --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Gynecology & Obstetrics --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Antenatal diagnosis --- Intrauterine diagnosis --- Prenatal testing --- Medicine. --- Biotechnology. --- Ethics. --- Maternal and child health services. --- Psychoanalysis. --- Biomedicine. --- Biomedicine general. --- Maternal and Child Health. --- Theory of Medicine/Bioethics. --- Obstetrics --- Maternal and infant welfare. --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Psychology, Pathological --- Chemical engineering --- Genetic engineering --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Physicians --- Infant welfare --- Infants --- Maternity welfare --- Child welfare --- Mothers --- Women --- Maternal health services --- Deontology --- Ethics, Primitive --- Ethology --- Moral philosophy --- Morality --- Philosophy, Moral --- Science, Moral --- Philosophy --- Values --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Charities, protection, etc. --- Charities --- Health Workforce --- Biomedicine, general.

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